The Community Spirit through Roses

Fostering the Community spirit through Roses: Sharing Fukuyama's Heart with Participants and the World
- What is "Rose Mind?"
"The Community Spirit through Roses" is a concept that emerged in Fukuyama during its post-war recovery and has evolved over half a century. It symbolizes the spirit of "compassion, kindness, and mutual support" nurtured through the love and cultivation of roses, embodying various sentiments such as peace, the affection required for rose cultivation, and kindness towards individuals and the community.
Fukuyama, the city of roses
Rosemind spelled out in the story - Promotion of the Community Spirit through Roses
We aim to embody the values of "compassion," "kindness," and "mutual cooperation" that are inherent in the concept of the Community Spirit through Roses. Through the hosting of the convention, we seek to promote and share this spirit with the citizens and participants, and ultimately disseminate it to the world.
The compassion and kindness nurtured through the cultivation of roses as a symbol of peace and postwar recovery have been ingrained in our community. Through the convention, we strive to deepen our connection with the citizens, extend heartfelt hospitality to our guests, and create a fulfilling experience for all participants. Alongside the blooming roses that grace our city, we aim to share the significance of peace with people from around the world, and through the Community Spirit through Roses, we seek to foster a sense of unity and promote the values that embody Fukuyama's spirit. We will continue to nurture this cultural legacy of Fukuyama even after the convention concludes.
- 1For the convention, we will collaborate with many citizens to enhance the presence of roses in the city and strive to share the spirit of the Community Spirit through Roses and a message of peace with the participants.
- 2We will not only provide opportunities to experience Japanese culture and the unique characteristics of Fukuyama but also offer hospitality that allows visitors to experience the essence of the Community Spirit through Roses through interactions with the local community.
- 3Through the convention, we aim to deepen understanding of different cultures and customs, thereby contributing to the expansion of inbound tourism.
- 4We will promote environmentally conscious urban development, including the planting of roses in public spaces without relying on pesticide spraying, and present the direction of "Fukuyama, the City of Roses" as a contribution to achieving the SDGs.
