- 24 May – New Techniques
The Genealogy of Fragrance and New Scent Components in Roses
Dr. Naomi Okubo
Institute of Vegetable and Floriculture Science, The National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO), Japan
Date 24 May, 8:30 - 9:15 Abstract
Roses, which are called the queen of flowers, are also the queen of fragrant flowers. Since ancient times, humans have been fascinated by the scent of roses, cultivated roses for use in perfumery, and enjoyed their scent. An important species of rose for perfumery is R. × damascena (damask rose), whose scent is recognized as the typical rose scent.
Modern rose cultivars have a variety of scents, include a damask-like scent similar to the scent of damask roses, a fruity scent with a sour sweetness reminiscent of fruit, a black-tea-like scent and a spicy scent. These diverse rose scents are composed of many types of compounds classified as terpenoids, bensenoids/phenylpropanoids, etc. The main scent components of roses include the terpenoids citronellol, geraniol, geranyl acetate and nerol, and the bensenoids/phenylpropanoids 3,5-dimethoxytoluene, eugenol, 4-methoxystyrene, 2-phenylethanol and 2-phenylethyl acetate.
In this lecture, I will explain the main scent characteristics and scent components of roses that contributed to the birth of fragrant roses, from wild species (Rosa chinensis var. spontanea, R. gallica, R. gigantea, R. moschata and R. phoenicia) to old roses and modern roses. In addition, I discuss the scent components of R. foetida, which has an unpleasant scent, and ‘Anne-Marie de Montravel’, an early Polyantha cultivar that have like an old wooden-closet odor. Our research has recently revealed that the characteristic scent components of these roses are fatty acid derivatives. Much remains unknown about rose scents, and we expect that many new compounds will be discovered in our future study.
Dr. Naomi Okubo studies floral scent at Institute of Vegetable and Floriculture Science, NARO in Tsukuba. She received a Ph.D. in Agricultural Sciences for plant hormone research from the University of Tokyo in 1996. In 2001, National Institute of Floricultural Science (NIFS,now Institute of Vegetable and Floriculture Science, NARO), Japan’s first national institute specializing in flowers, was launched. She started her research on floral scent at NIFS.
So far, she has analyzed the scents of various flowers including lilies, tulips, petunias and camellias. For the past few years, she has been actively researching the scent of roses with Dr. Mikanagi.
The Origin of Mutations Introducing Recurrent Flowering and Double Flower Characteristics into Cultivated Roses
Dr. Koji Kawamura
Associate Professor, Osaka Institute of Technology, Japan
Date 24 May, 9:15 - 10:00 Abstract
The recurrent-flowering behavior and double-flower morphology are both important traits for ornamental rose cultivars. The recurrent-flowering characteristic is believed to be originated from a mutant in a wild species in China, which was then introduced to Europe in the 18th century and became one of the essential traits for modern rose cultivars. The double-flower trait is considered to have multiple genetic origins, one of which is a retrotransposon-insertion mutation in AP2/TOE gene. The transposon-insertion mutation allows us to determine the nucleotide sequence of wild-type gene before the mutation by removing the transposon sequence. If we find a wild species that carry the same gene sequence as that of the wild type, we can assume that the wild species is the origin from which the mutation occurred. Using this approach, I have studied the wild origins of the recurrent-flowering and the double-flower mutations. The results suggest that the recurrent-flowering mutation originates from Rosa chinensis var. spontanea, as already reported by previous studies. In contrast, the double-flower mutation was found to most likely originate from a species in section Synstylae, which includes R. multiflora and R. brunonii, rather than in the section Chinenses, to which R. chinensis var. spontanea and R. odorata var. gigantea belong. This result supports the hypothesis that the old Chinese cultivars with recurrent-flowering and double-flower traits are of hybrid origin.
Dr. Koji Kawamura has studied roses from 2007 as he joined a project on genetic determinisms of garden rose architecture as a postdoc in French National Institute for Agriculture. His research area has then extended into (i) rose genome, (ii) genes controlling flowering behavior, self-incompatibility, and prickle formation, and (iii) an early domestication process of roses in China and Japan.
2011-present Associate Professor, Osaka Institute of Technology, Japan
2009-2011 Postdoc, Nagoya University, Japan
2007-2009 Postdoc, French National Institute for Agriculture, France
2005-2007 Postdoc, Forestry Forest Products Research Institute, Japan
2004 PhD. Agriculture, Kyoto University, Japan -
Diane Vom Berg (WFRS President), Dr. Yoshihiro Ueda (World Rose Convention Promotion Office Project Manager)